Irregular Webcomic! Wiki

Cliffhangers is a theme of IWC based loosely on the Indiana Jones films (although this is denied by David Morgan-Mar). It first appeared as the theme of strip 24

, making it the fifth theme to appear. This theme is based around the use of LEGO minifigures, and is set around the late 1930s.


  • Dr. Montana Jones (commonly referred to as Monty), the protagonist of the strip. He is a lecturer at a New England University, although we have only once seen him appear in his teaching role. His primary role is as a globetrotter, treasure hunter and an enemy of the Nazi party.
  • Colonel Haken, the main antagonist of ths strip, he displays typical characteristics of the stereotypical bad-guy (Hook on hand, scarred face, monocle, moustache, and a Nazi to boot).
  • Prof. North Dakota Jones, father of Monty, and has a life-long obsession with the holy grail.
  • Hitler's brain. The completely sentient brain of Adolf Hitler, in a jar.
  • Erwin, Colonel Haken's "left hand man" (he would be his right hand man, but Haken's hook is on his left hand, so the Colonel needs a left hand more).
  • Sallah, Monty's friend and companion, who has the incredible ability of relieving the Joneses of any imprisonment that they find themselves in.
Jones in cell

Where you can usually find the Joneses In a cell in Berlin

*The Honourable Schliemannian Chair Proffesor Doctor Doctor Minnesota Jones, CBE, DCM, JP, FRS, grandfather and father to Monty and North Dakota respectively, he travels the globe on the lookout for dinosaurs.

  • Dr. Ginny Smith. An unscrupulous Soviet archaeologist, who is willing to help either party (and has helped each several times to date) to achieve her own grand plans. She was born in America, but when she moved to Russia she also adopted a Russian name; Valentina Irina Ranevskaya Galina Ivana Natalya Iriyushka Anastasia Sonyechka Marinochka Ineslenka Tatyana Hvorostovsky. People just call her Dr. Smith.


Here is a list of the adventures that have taken place so far:

  • Monty Jones and the Ark of The Covenant